Chapter 14 part 1

Sitting in front of the computer, from time to time, Lin Li would look at the watch in her hand, and then raised her head to look in the direction of the door. Zhou Han had not come back.

Sighing softly, she got up and went to the printer to sort out the materials and send them to Zhou Han's office. When she came out again, she started to organize her things and prepare to leave.

Teacher Chen from the kindergarten just called to confirm that she and Zhou Han would make up the meeting in the afternoon, and reminded her to arrive half an hour earlier. Because every child in the kindergarten has to participate in a sports event, the kindergarten hopes that parents can accompany the children to help them warm up before the game.

Whether Zhou Han will go or not, Lin Li can no longer say with the same confidence as in the morning when he said he would go. So she only promised that she will go to the kindergarten half an hour earlier to reassure Teacher Chen.

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When Lin Li arrived at the kindergarten, Xiao Bin was sitting alone in the corner on the small bench, and staring at the other children in the class. The parents of the other children in the class have also come. Most of them came, however, there were also a few who only come with their father or mother. The children are coquettishly talking and gesturing in the arms of their parents, and their parents will always look at them dotingly, and their eyes are full of love.

Lin Li stepped forward and stopped in front of the little guy, and called softly, "Xiao Bin." There was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

The little guy turned his head blankly, looked at her silently before a moment of surprise and light flashed in his eyes. He then looked behind her. When he didn't find the figure he was looking forward to, the sparkle in his eyes slowly dissipated, he lowered his head and grabbed his right hand with his left hand.

Lin Li felt distressed because of the lonely expression on his face. She knew that he was lonely because he didn't see his father. Although he didn't say a word, she knew that he longed for Zhou Han's love for him, even if Zhou Han was indifferent to him before.

Lin Li reached out to touch the little guy's head, but he turned sideways to avoid her.

She withdrew her hand, squatted down in front of him patiently, smiled and said to him in a soft tone as much as possible: "Xiao Bin, what sports are you going to participate in later? Auntie, will you come to accompany you to warm up before the competition?"

The little guy raised his head, looked at her for a while, and finally asked, "Where is Daddy?"

Lin Li smiled and explained as much as she could: "Daddy is very busy with work. He was supposed to come, but he has something to do temporarily, so he can't come."

The little guy's dark eyes were fixed on Lin Li's eyes. Seeing that Lin Li felt a little guilty, she could only reach out and touch his head, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

This time, the little guy didn't avoid it. He stared at her for a while and said, "Daddy doesn't like me." 

It wasn't a question, it seemed that this was a fact that had already been confirmed.

Hearing this, Lin Li's heart trembled, and she couldn't react to the child in front of her. She was stunned for a while before she regained her senses and tried her best to explain, "No, that's not the case, your daddy doesn't dislike you, he also loves you very much. He is just busy with work, because he wants to buy the best robot for Xiao Bin, live in a big house for Xiao Bin, and give you the best life, so he has to be busy with work, busy to earn money, so he doesn't have a lot of time and energy to accompany Xiao Bin, but he doesn't accompany you, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you or doesn't like you! He just loves you in a different way than other dads!"

Lin Li herself felt that what she said was too pretentious and too false, but looking at the child's hurt expression, she really couldn't bear to say that Zhou Han didn't love him.

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The little guy stared at her, not sure if he believed her, but just stared at her for a while, then lowered his head and looked at his fingers.

The sensitivity of the child made Lin Li feel distressed, and she wanted to hold him in her arms and tell him that even if no one in the world loves him, she will love him well. 

Why does the love-hate entanglement between parents involve the child - obviously the child is the most innocent and the most hurt. 

With a sigh in her heart, she didn't go up to hug him in the end, she just stood up slowly, ready to go out to make a phone call. She touched his head and said, "Xiao Bin, sit here, auntie will go out first."

The child didn't raise his head, looked down at his own little hand, and didn't say OK or not OK.

She sighed inwardly. When she turned around and was about to go out, she happened to meet Teacher Chen who was coming towards her, and greeted her with a light smile, "Teacher Chen."

"Mrs. Zhou." Teacher Chen said with a smile, looked around, but didn't see Zhou Han, and said, "Mr. Zhou didn't come?"

Lin Li nodded and explained, "Well, he was going out to talk to a client temporarily, so he couldn't make it."

Teacher Chen smiled and nodded. In fact, looking at the scene in the morning, she did not have too much hope. It was expected that the child's father did not come. She said, "Mrs. Zhou, please sit here with Xiao Bin for a while. When the sports event starts, we will blow the trumpet to notify everyone to gather at the playground."

Lin Li nodded, "Okay."

After the explanation, Teacher Chen was ready to turn around to talk to the other parent about the children's situation.

Lin Li thought of something and stopped her, "Teacher Chen, has Xiao Bin taken his medicine?"

After her question, Teacher Chen remembered that in the morning she explained that she had to give the medicine to the child after meal, but she was busy with the sports meeting, and she forgot it for a while, so she said a little embarrassedly: " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was too busy and has not given him the medicine, it's still in my office, I'll bring it to you." With that, she turned around and walked towards the office.

Lin Li nodded, turned her head to look at the little guy still sitting down, then looked at the phone in her hand, and followed Teacher Chen's footsteps out of the classroom.

Standing on the aisle at the door of the classroom, she closed the door of the classroom, called Zhou Han's phone number directly. She wanted to make a last effort to persuade Zhou Han to come over for the little guy. Even if he rushes over halfway, at least he can make the child believe that his father really loves him, and he doesn't dislike him as much as he imagined.

The call was connected quickly, but after several beeps, no one answered.


TN: Not sure if I explained this in the previous chapters.

"Xiao" literally means small. Chinese like to use "Xiao" in front of children's name to show closeness.

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